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We are “100% Made in Italy” certified

We are proud to announce that since 31/05/2021 we are awarded the prestigious “100% Made in Italy” certification. This not only means that the company ownership is totally Italian but also that Lesta products are manufactured entirely in Italy, made with Italian semi-finished products or of certified quality and first choice. It means that all designs and planning are exclusive to the company and our robots are made with the care and attention to detail typical to high Italian quality. The Lesta registration number is IT01.IT/2380.051.V and you can check it at the link.

27 February 2025
In modern industry, coating large objects such as boats, agricultural machinery, tractors and metal structures presents a significant challenge, often handled by skilled coaters applying paint manually. The difficulty in finding skilled personnel, combined with the trend towards automation of strategic processes, is pushing companies to adopt articulated painting robots. Companies in this segment face

11 July 2024
Lesta has unveiled the innovative Lesta SAMPLE MAKER, a robotic system designed specifically for paint and coatings manufacturers who require precision and efficiency in sample preparation. This advanced system automates the application of paint samples, using minimal quantities of paint to ensure precise, waste-reducing coating on sample materials or test objects. Not only does Lesta